

Posts tagged home crafts
Paper Mache Mushrooms

After a recent stroll through a California forest, I was inspired to create faux mushrooms and nestle them into moss for autumnal house decor. I remembered doing paper mache as a child and creating anything my heart desired -- rabbits, monkeys, boats, etc. So I thought, why not paper mache mushrooms? It's been several years since my paper mache days, but the project was just as fun as I remembered, and the mushrooms turned out cuter than I had imagined!

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Making Valentine Heart Ornaments: DIY

Happy Valentine's Week! To prepare our home for the special day, I created heart ornaments to hang in my trees and chandeliers (as seen in the last post, Valentine Trees). These heart ornaments are wonderfully fun to make, last forever, and don't even require a special trip to the store. Below are the materials and step-by-step directions to make approximately 45 hearts.

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